

Accomodation - Horseback riding - Horses for sale

City appartments for rent

In the heart of Egilsstaðir town we rent two small studio appartments. They have a double bed (1,80x2m) and a private bathroom. AIRBNB Appartment 1 (left door)AIRBNB Appartment 2 (right door)

Horse rental

Private riding tours Phone Tina 00354-8665783 – WhatsApp messages work as well As we only offer private tours, you can just give us a call or send us a message and we will find the...

Horses for sale

We always have and know about a lot of interesting horses for sale, youngsters, competition horses, riding horses. Just send us an email 🙂

Cabin for rent

In 2022 we bought this cabin, renovated it and moved it to our land. We have been renting it since september 2023 and everybody who had been there liked it a lot. You can book via airbnb, or contact us and ask for prices. We have good discounts for people who are interested in renting for more than 2 nights.


First competition

On may the 1st I took part at a competiton of my horseclub Freyfaxi. I competed with one 5 year old Ölnir daughter and she... Read More "First competition"

Our horses

Gylling frá Torfunesi
F: Verdí frá Torfunesi (8,14)
FF: Álfur frá Selfossi (8,46)
FM: Ópera frá Torfunesi (7,65)
M: Gletta frá Torfunesi (8,18)
MF: Tónn frá Torfunesi (8,03)
MM: Ör frá Torfunesi (7,84)

Competition mare for pace tests and races


Ýmir frá Eskifirði, born 2007
F: Álfasteinn frá Selfossi (8,54)
M: Bylgja frá Stöð (7,86)

Frægð frá Eskifirði, born 2008
F: Hróður frá Refsstöðum (8,39)
M: Bylgja frá Stöð (7,86)

Iðunn frá Stóra-Bakka, born 2011 – TOTAL 7,91
F: Hróður frá Refsstöðum (8,39)
M: Ösp frá Teigi II (8,10)

Flyðra frá Stóra-Bakka, born 2012 – TOTAL 8,12
F: Aron frá Strandarhöfði (8,54)
M: Dúna frá Strönd II (7,77)

Glýja frá Stóra-Bakka, born 2013
F: Orri frá Þúfu (8,34)
M: Gæfa frá Breiðumörk (8,05)

Litlabjörg frá Stóra-Bakka, born 2014
F: Aron frá Strandarhöfði (8,54)
M: Skerpa frá Steinnesi (7,61)

Héðinn frá Stóra-Bakka, born 2015
F: Aðall frá Nýjabæ (8,64)
M: Gæfa frá Breiðumörk (8,05)

First competition

On may the 1st I took part at a competiton of my... Read More "First competition"

Horses for sale

We always have and know about a lot of interesting horses for sale, youngsters, competition horses, riding horses.

Just send us an email 🙂

Horse rental

Private riding tours
Phone Tina 00354-8665783 – WhatsApp messages work as well

As we only offer private tours, you can just give us a call or send us a message and we will find the right time for you.
We only take groups of max 3 people. If its a group of 4+ people you can contact us and we can see if we can take you on a a tour. We don´t take groups of 6people or more.

Our goal is that you can experience the icelandic horse in a calm and personal atmosphere.

Lupine time is in june, we can then pass this big field of lupines on the Vallanes loop!

Short loop (about 50 minutes): 10.000 ISK per person
Big loop „Vallanes loop“ or „Lagarfljót loop“ (about 1hour 15 minutes): 14.000 ISK per person

=> ATT: The max. weight is 90kg! Please let me know your height and weight, so I can choose the right horse´s (not all icelandic horses can carry 90kg, some of our horses are not allowed to carry more than 60-70kg, so for the animal welfare I need to know the weight of the riders)

Lagarfljót (forest) loop:

Vallanes loop:

The river Grimsá

Beautiful rapeseed field in the summer at Vallanes Organic Farm (Vallanes-loop)

Perfect riding pathes everywhere around

Some of our horses:


Matthildur & Hrefna

Hvönn & Hrefna

How to get to us:
From Egilsstaðir town you drive south on road 95 and hold on on road 931 (same road). You then turn into road 9373 direction Jaðar / Vallanes (móðir jörð). We will meet you at the parking place on the right side next to the riding hall.